Rifles.30-06 vs. .308 (Bart Bobbitt) [2339 bytes] .30-338 (Gale McMillan) [2176 bytes] .30 carbine (John De Armond; Gale McMillan) [15876 bytes] .50 BMG saboted rounds (Gale McMillan) [5770 bytes] 8mm Mauser bore sizes (John Bercovitz) [1175 bytes] Accuracy figures (Bart Bobbitt; Daniel Chisholm) [7619 bytes] Accuracy factors (Gale McMillan) [1667 bytes] Action truing (Bart Bobbitt; Toby Bradshaw) [4612 bytes] AR-15 (Steve Faber) [7469 bytes] Barrel twists (Bart Bobbitt; Clark Towle; Daniel Chisholm)) [18652 bytes] Bedding (Bart Bobbitt; Daniel Chisholm; Gale McMillan) [28786 bytes] Bedding pads (Bart Bobbitt; Gale McMillan) [5621 bytes] Bedding reasons (Bart Bobbitt) [9498 bytes] Bench rests (Bart Bobbitt) [2752 bytes] Benchrest merchants (Toby Bradshaw) [8975 bytes] Benchrest rifles (Toby Bradshaw) [4333 bytes] Benchrest rest bags (Toby Bradshaw) [2018 bytes] Benchrest scope mount (Toby Bradshaw) [1454 bytes] Benchrest target measurement (Toby Bradshaw; Gale McMillan) [3220 bytes] Benchrest vendors (Toby Bradshaw) [9878 bytes] Bipod accuracy (Bart Bobbitt) [2805 bytes] Bolt actions' advantages (Toby Bradshaw) [3879 bytes] Bolt bending (Gale McMillan) [992 bytes] BOSS (Toby Bradshaw) [6760 bytes] Ching sling (Jordan M Kossack) [2668 bytes] Civil war rifles (Ed Harris) [1537 bytes] Dragunov rifles (Wiley Richmond Beevers) [2916 bytes] Enfields (Gale McMillan) [3261 bytes] Free-floating barrels (Bart Bobbitt) [2569 bytes] Garands (Bart Bobbitt; Donald R. Newcomb; Kirk Hays) [17377 bytes] Garand .308 conversions (Bart Bobbitt) [6670 bytes] Garand single-shot loading (Bart Bobbitt) [3013 bytes] Garand bedding (Bart Bobbitt) [10012 bytes] Garand chamber inserts (Bart Bobbitt) [739 bytes] Garand magazine conversions (Kirk Hays) [1905 bytes] Garand sights (Bart Bobbitt) [4751 bytes] Garand slamfires (Bart Bobbitt) [9411 bytes] Garand triggers (Clark Towle) [1578 bytes] Gas piston cleaning (Bart Bobbitt) [3367 bytes] L85A1 (Jonathan M. Spencer) [3242 bytes] Lock time (Bart Bobbitt) [2539 bytes] Iron sights (Bart Bobbitt) [12154 bytes] Jewell trigger (Bart Bobbitt) [563 bytes] M14 (Gale McMillan) [3229 bytes] M16 (Daniel Chisholm; Ed Harris) [20100 bytes] M1 op rods (Bart Bobbitt) [2149 bytes] M1A gas port compensation effect (Bart Bobbitt) [1860 bytes] The Mini-14 (Kirk Hays) [1773 bytes] The Paramount brand action (Bart Bobbitt) [14210 bytes] Pillar bedding (Bart Bobbitt; Kelly McMillan; Toby Bradshaw) [30763 bytes] Pinned recoil lugs (Gale McMillan) [1248 bytes] Push-feed actions (Rock McMillan) [1663 bytes] The Remington 700 (Bart Bobbitt; Gale McMillan; John Bercovitz; Toby Bradshaw; Kelly McMillan) [41741 bytes] The Remington700 safety (Bart Bobbitt; Toby Bradshaw) [7067 bytes] The Remington700 trigger (John Bercovitz) [925 bytes] Replacement bolts (Bart Bobbitt) [749 bytes] Savage 110 triggers (Daniel Chisholm) [4685 bytes] Semiauto accuracy (Bart Bobbitt) [4728 bytes] Shooting coats (Bart Bobbitt; Doug White) [9086 bytes] Shoulder pressure (Steve Faber) [1953 bytes] SKS stripping (Clark Towle) [2561 bytes] SKS triggers (Clark Towle) [2459 bytes] Stolle action (Toby Bradshaw) [2401 bytes] Supersonic (Bart Bobbitt) [9579 bytes] Tubb book (Bart Bobbitt) [810 bytes] Winchester M70 (Bart Bobbitt) [15232 bytes] Stock screw torque (Bart Bobbitt) [2376 bytes] Wind doping (Bart Bobbitt; Toby Bradshaw) [6958 bytes] Elevation changes due to wind (Bart Bobbitt) [3837 bytes] Barrels.22 cleaning (Bart Bobbitt) [4198 bytes] Air gages (Bart Bobbitt) [5085 bytes] Barrel brands (Bart Bobbitt; Gale McMillan; Rock McMillan) [3311 bytes] Barrel brushes (Bart Bobbitt) [3288 bytes] Barrel care (Gale McMillan) [2512 bytes] Barrel crowning (Bart Bobbitt) [3007 bytes] Barrel fluting (Gale McMillan) [1371 bytes] Barrel leading (Norman F. Johnson) [11252 bytes] Barrel life (Bart Bobbitt) [23911 bytes] Barrel porting (Gale McMillan) [522 bytes] Barrel profiling (Bart Bobbitt) [2730 bytes] Barrel reboring (Bart Bobbitt) [1454 bytes] Barrel rifling depth (Bart Bobbitt) [1527 bytes] Barrel slugging (Bart Bobbitt) [5929 bytes] Barrel steels (Bart Bobbitt; Ed Harris; Rock McMillan; Gale McMillan) [6586 bytes] Barrel thickness (Gale McMillan) [1738 bytes] Bore dimensions (Gale McMillan) [765 bytes] Bore fouling (Bart Bobbitt) [2683 bytes] Barrel break-in (Gale McMillan) [4972 bytes] Cerrosafe (K. Karcich) [2013 bytes] First shots from a clean barrel (Bart Bobbitt; John G. DeArmond) [9106 bytes] Cleaning rods (Bart Bobbitt) [11544 bytes] Copper solvents (Bart Bobbitt) [1632 bytes] Damascus barrels (Clark Towle) [2042 bytes] Foul-Out (Steven R Faber) [4212 bytes] Garand gas port (Bart Bobbitt) [1630 bytes] Lapping (Doug White; Kelly McMillan; Norman F. Johnson; Russ Kepler; Gale McMillan) [31565 bytes] Barrel making (Gale McMillan; Rock McMillan) [5372 bytes] Exotic materials (Gale McMillan) [3948 bytes] Microgroove barrels (Norman Johnson) [6146 bytes] Polygonal rifling (Gale McMillan) [1207 bytes] Reamer brands (Bart Bobbitt; Gale McMillan) [2996 bytes] Reamer making (Gale McMillan) [1887 bytes] Rebarrelling (Bart Bobbitt; Kirk Hays) [11737 bytes] Reboring (Gale McMillan) [1525 bytes] Removal (Geoff Kotzar) [1415 bytes] Rifling twist angle (Steven R Faber) [30883 bytes] Spiral bores (Gale McMillan) [2912 bytes] Barrel wear (Gale McMillan; Steven R Faber) [13238 bytes] Revolvers.357 chambers (John Bercovitz) [1689 bytes] Shooting .38 rounds in .357 revolvers (Geoff Kotzar) [1171 bytes] Colt Python (Geoff Kotzar) [3292 bytes] Manurhin (Emmanuel Baechler) [4166 bytes] NAA .22 (John De Armond) [26759 bytes] Nagant revolvers (Norman Johnson) [8557 bytes] Redhawk (Geoff Kotzar) [8231 bytes] Revolver accuracy (Geoff Kotzar) [5596 bytes] Revolver chambers (John Bercovitz) [3499 bytes] Revolver checking (Kirk Hays) [7282 bytes] Revolver deleading (Ed Harris) [1441 bytes] Revolver trigger lightening (Geoff Kotzar; John Bercovitz) [10748 bytes] Revolver rotation (John Bercovitz) [2667 bytes] Revolver timing (John Bercovitz) [1529 bytes] Revolver unsticking (Kirk Hays) [3003 bytes] Ruger revolvers (Geoff Kotzar) [2999 bytes] S+W M29 (Ed Harris) [1094 bytes] S+W problems (Geoff Kotzar) [23025 bytes] Transfer bars (Geoff Kotzar; John Bercovitz) [6245 bytes] Pistols1911 accuracy (John Bercovitz) [29914 bytes] 1911 barrel length (John Bercovitz) [20746 bytes] 1911 cartridges (John Bercovitz) [7849 bytes] 1911 decocking with one hand (Geoff Kotzar) [1747 bytes] 1911 disassemble (Clark Towle) [1587 bytes] 1911 dynamics (John Bercovitz) [28528 bytes] 1911 extractor tension (John Bercovitz) [5254 bytes] 1911 accidental full auto (John De Armond) [1576 bytes] 1911 inertial discharge (John De Armond) [4854 bytes] 1911 safety (John Bercovitz) [24538 bytes] 1911 slide block (Geoff Kotzar) [2761 bytes] 1911 slide cracks (Bart Bobbitt) [702 bytes] .22 pistol makers (Doug White) [3815 bytes] .38 Super (John Bercovitz) [971 bytes] .45 case bursting (John De Armond) [1873 bytes] .50AE handguns (Arno Hahma) [2787 bytes] Bar-sto barrels (Ed Harris) [1848 bytes] The Beretta 92 (Gale McMillan; Emmanuel Baechler) [6609 bytes] Blowback vs locked actions (John Bercovitz) [11731 bytes] Chamber polishing (John De Armond) [1922 bytes] Gold Cup .45 (Bart Bobbitt; Randy Pafford) [6197 bytes] H+K P7 (Ed Harris) [1587 bytes] High Standard pistols (Doug White) [10649 bytes] High Standard ejection (Doug White) [2612 bytes] High Standard magazines (Doug White) [6056 bytes] One-shot stops (Gale McMillan) [1414 bytes] Pistols with heavy barrels (Paul F Austin) [1998 bytes] Pistol holding (John De Armond) [4801 bytes] A pistol sight idea (John Bercovitz) [3488 bytes] Pistol techique (Doug White) [3908 bytes] Recoil in semiautos (John Bercovitz) [57246 bytes] Ruger trigger (John Bercovitz) [2406 bytes] S+W Model 41 (Ray C.) [6136 bytes] Titanium hammers (John Bercovitz; Steven R Faber) [36809 bytes] Scopes, OpticsBinocular alignment (Geoff Kotzar) [1784 bytes] Binocular types (Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen) [2051 bytes] Bullet drop compensators (Bart Bobbitt) [1932 bytes] Focusing (Bart Bobbitt) [1076 bytes] M14 scope mounts (Bart Bobbitt) [2319 bytes] M1A scope selection (Gale McMillan) [1174 bytes] Scope makers (Gale McMillan) [15468 bytes] The Mil dot system (Louis Boyd) [2563 bytes] Objective size (Louis Boyd) [2677 bytes] Parallax (John Bercovitz; Louis Boyd) [13735 bytes] Repeatability (Bart Bobbitt) [2409 bytes] Reticule damage (Bart Bobbitt) [7671 bytes] Scopes for .50 BMG rifles (Arno Hahma; Rock McMillan) [1926 bytes] Scope adjustment range (Bart Bobbitt) [7835 bytes] Scope brands (Bart Bobbitt) [6308 bytes] Scope design (Rock McMillan) [3789 bytes] Scope position (Bart Bobbitt) [1793 bytes] Scope repeatability (Bart Bobbitt) [18829 bytes] Scope ring lapping (John Bercovitz) [3359 bytes] Spotting scopes (Bart Bobbitt) [1718 bytes] Unertl (Ed Harris) [3485 bytes] Variable power scope accuracy (Bart Bobbitt) [3591 bytes] Politics, LawsThe 14th amendment (Clayton E. Cramer) [10495 bytes] Air transportation of firearms (Bob Hale) [2727 bytes] Armor-piercing ammunition definition (James O. Bardwell) [6807 bytes] The Aryan Nations (Clayton E. Cramer) [3373 bytes] ATF raid (John De Armond) [1555 bytes] Blind shooter (Doug White) [2484 bytes] Border Patrol (Louis Boyd) [3985 bytes] California water (J.D. Baldwin) [1932 bytes] Canada gun laws (John De Armond; Lloyd D Reid) [9010 bytes] Chicago (Ray F. Ciurej) [4123 bytes] Cops' right to carry (J.D. Baldwin) [2430 bytes] Cops' guns (John De Armond) [1590 bytes] Cramer gun history book (Clayton Cramer) [4312 bytes] Curio/Relic FFLs (Robert Plamondon) [16538 bytes] Washington DC police (Clayton E. Cramer) [1720 bytes] Defense tactics (John De Armond) [45816 bytes] Elmer Keith (John Ross) [2058 bytes] FBI (J.D. Baldwin) [3056 bytes] Full-auto laws (Mike 'HK G3ZF Full-Auto' Newsome) [7046 bytes] Georgia (John De Armond) [34131 bytes] Gun attitudes (Norman Johnson) [2558 bytes] Gun news magazines (Bart Bobbitt; Geoff Kotzar; John Bercovitz) [16302 bytes] Gun theft law (J.D. Baldwin) [5690 bytes] Hand grenades and bank robberies (Clayton E. Cramer) [2420 bytes] Hazmat (John G. DeArmond) [1911 bytes] Hollywood (Clayton E. Cramer) [1713 bytes] Hip shots on deer ("The Elitist") [8275 bytes] Japanese gun laws (Masaaki Ishida) [15686 bytes] Japan (J.D. Baldwin) [15873 bytes] John De Armond (John De Armond) [2860 bytes] Judges (Clayton E. Cramer) [1505 bytes] Kansas City (John Gilman) [3896 bytes] Kids and guns (John De Armond; Norman F. Johnson) [22161 bytes] Lawsuits (Russ Kepler) [5533 bytes] M14 (Bart Bobbitt) [1597 bytes] Machine gun manufacture (Kirk Hays) [1443 bytes] Make-my-day laws (Earl Faubion) [1405 bytes] McMillan family (Rock McMillan; Gale McMillan) [7358 bytes] MD gun bills (Doug Gwyn) [5556 bytes] MD concealed carry (Doug Gwyn) [2783 bytes] MD gun law enforcement (Doug Gwyn) [695 bytes] MD gun shop (Doug Gwyn) [810 bytes] The Media at Work (Kirk Hays) [1768 bytes] Mentally ill (Clayton E. Cramer) [5891 bytes] FBI Miami shootout ("jmarch"; Bill Salmon; John Ross) [6496 bytes] Military rifle shooting accuracy (Gale McMillan) [2871 bytes] Murderers (Clayton E. Cramer) [2819 bytes] NASGD (Kirk Hays) [1796 bytes] NCVS (Clayton E. Cramer) [1776 bytes] The NRA (John De Armond) [9009 bytes] NYC guns (Peter Venetoklis) [8532 bytes] NY state gun law book (Julius Chang) [1143 bytes] Old laws ("The Elitist") [3784 bytes] Match-grade pistol use in Vietnam (Bart Bobbitt) [4498 bytes] Ranges (Doug Gwyn) [4023 bytes] The meaning of "Well-regulated" (Larry Cipriani) [7445 bytes] Repressive governments (J.D. Baldwin) [5359 bytes] Resisting arrest (J.D. Baldwin) [7828 bytes] Road rage (J.D. Baldwin) [18334 bytes] Ruger recall (John De Armond) [1816 bytes] Ruger (John De Armond) [1484 bytes] Savagery (Clayton E. Cramer) [6064 bytes] Scientific American (Doug Gwyn) [3913 bytes] The Second Amendment (J.D. Baldwin) [5501 bytes] Slavery (Clayton E. Cramer) [2824 bytes] Snipers (Bart Bobbitt) [3360 bytes] South Africa (Clayton Cramer) [1443 bytes] Spray and Pray (Gale McMillan) [1366 bytes] Steam tunnel thermocouple replacement (John De Armond) [4481 bytes] Tennessee (John De Armond) [3487 bytes] Texas CCW violations (Dan Day; J.D. Baldwin) [5038 bytes] Waco and the military (J.D. Baldwin) [7001 bytes] |
MiscellaneousUsing 22LR cartridges in 22 Magnum chambers ("The Elitist") [1837 bytes] Accidental discharges (Norman Johnson) [2242 bytes] Air pistols (Doug White) [5513 bytes] Airgun storage (DAS) [1487 bytes] Antifog soap (Bart Bobbitt) [2718 bytes] Black chrome (Arno Hahma) [1140 bytes] Black stainless (Doug White) [895 bytes] Blinking cure (Doug Gwyn) [1383 bytes] Bluing (Arno Hahma; Geoff Kotzar; John DeArmond; Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen) [9596 bytes] Break Free CLP (Ed Harris) [7154 bytes] Car muzzle blast confinement (Geoff Kotzar) [2032 bytes] Car window breaking (Doug Gwyn) [1583 bytes] Carburetor dip (John De Armond) [7840 bytes] Checkering (Gale McMillan) [1927 bytes] Civil war cannon (Russ Kepler) [1615 bytes] CO2 tanks (John De Armond) [5205 bytes] Cougar attack (Dan Parrish) [6089 bytes] Depth perception (John Bercovitz) [1682 bytes] Diamond abrasives (John De Armond) [1680 bytes] Airgun dieseling (DAS) [1263 bytes] Drierite (John Bercovitz) [2978 bytes] Dry firing (Bart Bobbitt) [1730 bytes] Dummy rounds (John De Armond) [2374 bytes] Earplugs (Bart Bobbitt) [1351 bytes] Ed's Red (Ed Harris; Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen) [10586 bytes] Electronic muffs (John De Armond) [3662 bytes] Electroplating brass (Arno Hahma) [1614 bytes] Bullet engraving force (Steven R Faber) [8226 bytes] Epoxy stock finish (Bart Bobbitt) [1612 bytes] External ballistics (Steven R Faber) [6000 bytes] Eye dominance (John De Armond) [2534 bytes] Forensic bullet matching (Jonathan M. Spencer) [4318 bytes] Gas masks (John De Armond) [2153 bytes] Gun case foams (Doug White) [2396 bytes] Hand-made guns (Gale McMillan) [1294 bytes] Gun safes (Julius Chang; Doug Gwyn) [8558 bytes] Gun show guide ("The Elitist") [10583 bytes] Gun steels (Julius Chang; Arno Hahma; John Bercovitz) [12927 bytes] Gunshot residues (Jonathan M. Spencer) [2760 bytes] Gyrojet (Ed Harris) [1000 bytes] Hand cannon (John De Armond) [25045 bytes] Hatcher's Notebook (John Bercovitz) [6627 bytes] Hearing damage (Doug White; Geoff Kotzar; Gale McMillan) [7561 bytes] H&K MP5 (John Bercovitz) [1487 bytes] High speed photography (Doug White) [2557 bytes] Holed wall (Arno Hahma) [2237 bytes] Holster acid (Geoff Kotzar) [2721 bytes] Homemade submachine-guns (Jonathan Spencer) [3829 bytes] Howa (Gale McMillan) [1372 bytes] Investment casting (Ed Harris) [6614 bytes] K-coat (Clayton Carpenter) [6813 bytes] Keyholing (Arno Hahma) [669 bytes] Kramer Leather (Doug Gwyn) [3976 bytes] Long term storage (Ed Harris) [5078 bytes] Lubricants (Kirk Hays) [3868 bytes] Maximum range (John Bercovitz; John De Armond) [10067 bytes] Mercury (John G. De Armond) [11435 bytes] Metal detectors (John De Armond) [8462 bytes] MMW radar (Bill Chiarchiaro) [3474 bytes] Muskets (Ed Harris) [1591 bytes] Muzzle brake (Gale McMillan) [1675 bytes] Muzzle pressure (Steve Faber) [1281 bytes] Night vision (Gale McMillan; John De Armond) [12613 bytes] Nitration (Doug Gwyn) [2547 bytes] Nuke damage (John De Armond) [1805 bytes] Outside hinges (John Bercovitz) [1012 bytes] Overpump (Bruce Simpson) [2237 bytes] Paintball (John Gilman) [5502 bytes] Pakistan gun (Julian Macassey) [1133 bytes] Pig spear (Jonathan M. Spencer) [1619 bytes] Plastic deburr (John Bercovitz) [786 bytes] Platings (John Bercovitz) [4711 bytes] Point blank (John Bercovitz) [1104 bytes] Potato gun (John De Armond) [3929 bytes] Propane tanks (John De Armond) [2784 bytes] Rail guns (Toby Bradshaw) [1720 bytes] Range finders (John G. DeArmond; Toby Bradshaw) [3021 bytes] Range powder dust (Doug White) [2610 bytes] Red hot barrel (Arno Hahma; Steve Faber) [10134 bytes] Reloading (Gale McMillan) [1167 bytes] Riot gun (John De Armond) [2332 bytes] Roguard (Gale McMillan; Rock McMillan) [3574 bytes] Rubber bullets (John Schilling; Jonathan Spencer) [4530 bytes] Ruger reload (Ed Harris) [2559 bytes] Rust prevention (Clark Towle; Doug White; John Bercovitz; Gale McMillan) [16749 bytes] Salt water (Ed Harris) [3948 bytes] Scent in hunting ("The Elitist") [3878 bytes] Shooting glasses (Geoff Kotzar) [2097 bytes] Shot calling (Bart Bobbitt) [2076 bytes] Shotgun types (Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen) [825 bytes] Sight filing (John Bercovitz) [3137 bytes] Silencers (Arno Hahma; John De Armond; Mika Jalava; Panu Wilska; Geoff Kotzar; Gale McMillan) [28448 bytes] Silhouette shooting (John De Armond) [12415 bytes] Smithing pitfalls (Mahlon G. Kelly) [3640 bytes] Snap caps (John Bercovitz; John De Armond) [3444 bytes] Sound levels (Jonathan M. Spencer) [3272 bytes] Spring fatigue (Julius Chang; Julius Chang) [15404 bytes] Squirrel hunting ("The Elitist") [6795 bytes] Stock refinish (Mahlon G. Kelly) [5503 bytes] Target paper (John G. DeArmond) [2095 bytes] Teflon (Geoff Kotzar) [1515 bytes] Tendonitis (Paul F Austin) [2932 bytes] Titanium (Gale McMillan) [1639 bytes] Tritium (John De Armond) [13010 bytes] TW25B lubricant (Barry Needham) [3906 bytes] Underground range (John Bercovitz) [2221 bytes] Vapor trails (John Bercovitz) [528 bytes] Velocity differences (Kirk Hays) [1649 bytes] Velocity spread (Gale McMillan) [515 bytes] Vulcan minigun (John De Armond) [13308 bytes] Wadding paper (Strayhorn) [2457 bytes] Weighted magazines (Bart Bobbitt) [458 bytes] Ammunition, Reloading, Terminal Ballistics.223 loads (Ed Harris) [3589 bytes] .22 ammo (Bart Bobbitt; Bart Bobbitt) [19406 bytes] .22 ballistics (Bart Bobbitt) [2359 bytes] .22 misfire (Doug White) [2712 bytes] .22 pistol ammo (Doug White) [3824 bytes] .22 PPC (Toby Bradshaw) [19652 bytes] .308 loads (Bart Bobbitt) [29734 bytes] .308 loads (John De Armond) [10142 bytes] 308 vs 30-06 (Bart Bobbitt) [5486 bytes] 308 BR cases (Bart Bobbitt) [2362 bytes] 7.62 vs .308 (Bart Bobbitt) [1069 bytes] Accurate primers (Lloyd D Reid) [9335 bytes] Ammo cookoff (John De Armond) [2007 bytes] Ammo life (Ed Harris) [1185 bytes] Defensive Ammo tests (Doug Gwyn) [4272 bytes] Armor plate (John De Armond; Russ Kepler) [9306 bytes] Ball vs extruded powders (Bart Bobbitt) [2648 bytes] Ballistic gelatin (Kirk Hays) [5220 bytes] Belted magnums (Bart Bobbitt; Gale McMillan) [12788 bytes] Bears (John De Armond) [9220 bytes] Benchrest bullets (Toby Bradshaw) [3495 bytes] Benchrest loads (Toby Bradshaw) [2782 bytes] The Berdan primer (Robert Bastow) [505 bytes] Black Talon (Geoff Kotzar; Douglas A. Gwyn) [3610 bytes] Boar (Ed Harris; John De Armond) [8344 bytes] Boattail bullets (Gale McMillan) [2341 bytes] Borerider bullets (Lou Boyd) [1868 bytes] Brass life (Toby Bradshaw) [4491 bytes] Bullet alloys (Russ) [4906 bytes] Bullet fitting (Norman Johnson) [5985 bytes] Bullet hardness testing (John Bercovitz) [7637 bytes] Bullet jacket (Bart Bobbitt) [1214 bytes] Bullet lengths (Bart Bobbitt) [2048 bytes] Bullet makers (Bart Bobbitt) [3888 bytes] Bullet quality (Bart Bobbitt) [4844 bytes] Bullet resize (John Bercovitz) [7772 bytes] Bullet runout (Bart Bobbitt) [7060 bytes] Bullet seating (Bart Bobbitt; John Bercovitz; Doug White) [9202 bytes] Bullet size (Bart Bobbitt) [690 bytes] Bullet shape (Louis Boyd) [5029 bytes] Bullet spin rates (Bart Bobbitt) [11447 bytes] Bullet spin testing (Bart Bobbitt) [1261 bytes] Bullet helical flight path (Steve Faber; Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen; Bart Bobbitt; Gale McMillan) [13722 bytes] Bullet tumbling in flight (Bart Bobbitt) [3820 bytes] Bullet unsticking (Norman Johnson) [3184 bytes] Bullet weight (Gale McMillan) [2210 bytes] Bullet names (anon) [9803 bytes] Bulletproof glass (Julius Chang; Clark Towle) [4426 bytes] Bulls (Geoff Kotzar) [1992 bytes] Caliber names (James Wilkins) [3962 bytes] Cartridge brass (John Bercovitz) [4015 bytes] Cartridge design (Toby Bradshaw) [2083 bytes] Cartridge expansion (John Bercovitz) [13553 bytes] Cartridge gauges (Clark Towle) [2602 bytes] Cartridge headspace (Bart Bobbitt) [4074 bytes] Cartridge interchangeability chart (Randy Lyman) [5686 bytes] Cartridge table (Randy Lyman) [16577 bytes] Case annealing (Norman F. Johnson) [3099 bytes] Case bulging (Toby Bradshaw) [1007 bytes] Case fingerprints (Geoff Kotzar) [2574 bytes] Case neck uniformity (Bart Bobbitt) [4573 bytes] Case resizing (Bart Bobbitt; Doug White; Norman F. Johnson; Toby Bradshaw) [44587 bytes] Case slip when fired (John Bercovitz) [10186 bytes] Case weight variations (Bart Bobbitt; Norman Johnson) [2716 bytes] Caseless ammo (Arno Hahma) [4022 bytes] Cast bullets (Norman F. Johnson) [11355 bytes] Cast bullet resizing (Geoff Kotzar) [7724 bytes] Chamber casting (Norman Johnson) [4216 bytes] Chamfering cases (Bart Bobbitt) [5438 bytes] Chronographs (John De Armond; Steve Faber) [15758 bytes] Competition reloading (Gale McMillan) [2334 bytes] Copper Units of Pressure (Norman Johnson) [2438 bytes] Crimping (Bart Bobbitt; Ed Harris) [11878 bytes] "Cyclone" bullets (D.E. Watters) [2522 bytes] Depleted uranium (Arno Hahma) [1416 bytes] Dillon scale (Geoff Kotzar) [7293 bytes] Exploding bullets (Arno Hahma; John G. DeArmond) [4881 bytes] Fackler (Julius Chang) [13655 bytes] Finnish ammo (Arno Hahma) [3302 bytes] Fitted case neck (Toby Bradshaw) [3083 bytes] Flash hole (Bart Bobbitt) [3938 bytes] Flash tubes (Bart Bobbitt) [1731 bytes] "Forensic" (Jonathan M. Spencer) [15566 bytes] Game bullets (John Ross) [2124 bytes] Garand loads (Bart Bobbitt; Steven R Faber) [17873 bytes] Glaser Safety Slugs (Geoff Kotzar) [10044 bytes] Glocks and lead bullets (Gale McMillan) [1455 bytes] Gunshot residue (John De Armond) [2458 bytes] Headspace in a .45 (Norman F. Johnson) [4544 bytes] Heavy rifle bullets (Gale McMillan) [3534 bytes] Hollowpoints (Norman F. Johnson) [2585 bytes] Hot powder (Gale Mcmillan; Steve Faber) [1569 bytes] Ice bullets (John De Armond) [1409 bytes] Indexed cases (Bart Bobbitt) [5455 bytes] JHP performance (Geoff Kotzar) [6245 bytes] Kinetic pullers (John G. DeArmond) [1482 bytes] Lead free primers (Arno Hahma) [1036 bytes] Lead hazards (Ed Harris; John De Armond; Norman F. Johnson) [10059 bytes] Barrel leading (Geoff Kotzar; Norman Johnson) [10777 bytes] Light bullets (John De Armond) [2384 bytes] Light bullet penetration (John Ross) [2176 bytes] Load development (Toby Bradshaw) [33248 bytes] Ultra-light loads (Norman F. Johnson) [15015 bytes] Marshall and Sanow book review (Geoff Kotzar) [47248 bytes] Match brass (Bart Bobbitt) [4548 bytes] Mercury-filled bullets (Geoff Kotzar) [2987 bytes] Moly-coated bullets (Gale McMillan) [1647 bytes] Neck resizing (John Bercovitz) [3857 bytes] Old ammo (John G. De Armond; Steve Faber) [3200 bytes] Overpenetration (Geoff Kotzar) [9967 bytes] PACT powder scale (Geoff Kotzar) [17849 bytes] Bullet penetration (John Bercovitz) [6905 bytes] Pigeons ("The Elitist") [3455 bytes] Pistols and slow powders (Norman Johnson) [4365 bytes] Polar bears (Geoff Kotzar; Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen) [10033 bytes] Powder burn cleanliness (Bart Bobbitt) [1774 bytes] Powder detonation (Steven R Faber) [3840 bytes] Powder making (Arno Hahma) [4040 bytes] Powder measures (Toby Bradshaw; Gale McMillan) [6531 bytes] Powder scales (Geoff Kotzar) [7348 bytes] Powder speeds (Steven R Faber) [5000 bytes] Powder storage (John G. De Armond; Geoff Kotzar) [3979 bytes] Precision resizing (Bart Bobbitt) [8199 bytes] Pressure signs (Norm Johnson; Steven R Faber) [19744 bytes] Primers backing out (Bart Bobbitt; Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen; Steven R Faber) [16018 bytes] Primer dessicate (Bart Bobbitt) [1075 bytes] Primer oil (John Bercovitz) [818 bytes] Primer pocket cleaning (Clark Towle) [3607 bytes] Primer pockets (Bart Bobbitt) [1649 bytes] Live primer removal (John Bercovitz) [1124 bytes] Primer residue detection (Geoff Kotzar) [6935 bytes] Primer safety (Geoff Kotzar; Gale McMillan; Kirk Hays; Louis Boyd) [9817 bytes] Primer variance (Bart Bobbitt) [21581 bytes] Raufoss .50 BMG explosive rounds (Gale McMillan) [2597 bytes] Reduced loads (Geoff Kotzar) [14177 bytes] Reloading the .44 Special (Geoff Kotzar) [21675 bytes] Reloading the .45 Colt (Geoff Kotzar) [6487 bytes] Case drying when reloading (Geoff Kotzar) [2039 bytes] Reloading accurate ammo with a multistage press (Bart Bobbitt) [7530 bytes] Reloading data variations (Geoff Kotzar) [2699 bytes] Reloading die brands (Bart Bobbitt) [4989 bytes] Reloading errors (John De Armond) [4748 bytes] Reloading gear (John De Armond) [36061 bytes] Reloading introduction (Norman F. Johnson) [24291 bytes] Revolver bullet size (Norman F. Johnson) [6051 bytes] Sanow article (Geoff Kotzar) [2438 bytes] Shotshell (Norman Johnson) [5879 bytes] Silvertips (Geoff Kotzar) [3370 bytes] Snake guns (John De Armond) [1321 bytes] "Solid" bullets (Geoff Kotzar) [2512 bytes] Strain gages (Bart Bobbitt; Geoff Kotzar; John Bercovitz; Steven R Faber) [49200 bytes] Strasbourg (Geoff Kotzar) [11391 bytes] Swaging press (Russ Kepler) [1689 bytes] Tracer fire hazard (John De Armond) [3649 bytes] Tumbling loaded ammo (Morten B Jepsen; Norman F. Johnson) [8201 bytes] Ultrafast .357 loads (Geoff Kotzar) [1123 bytes] Underwater shooting (John De Armond; Norman F. Johnson) [6354 bytes] Unsupported chambers (John Bercovitz) [3139 bytes] Wadcutters (Norman Johnson) [1683 bytes] Wads (Norman F. Johnson) [4778 bytes] Waterproof ammo (Bart Bobbitt) [906 bytes] Wax bullets (Norman F. Johnson) [3824 bytes] Wound ballistics (Geoff Kotzar; John Bercovitz) [35264 bytes] CoursesChapman Handgun 2 (John Gilman) [14394 bytes] Chapman Rifle (John Gilman) [4314 bytes] Gunsite Pistol 1 (Barry Needham) [24191 bytes] Gunsite Pistol 4 (Barry Needham) [12776 bytes] Gunsite Pistol 5 (Barry Needham) [20263 bytes] Gunsite Rifle 1 (Barry Needham) [13464 bytes] Gunsite Shotgun (Barry Needham) [9868 bytes] |