From: John De Armond
Subject: Re: Extra Fuel For RV Gen.
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 00:08:23 -0500
Message-ID: <>
I don't use the built-in tank on any of my generators. All mine are fueled from
outboard motor tanks. If the generator doesn't already have a fuel pump, it gets
one. Usually an electric pump but sometimes an impulse unit.
An impulse pump is operated by either intake manifold or crankcase pressure impulses.
You can see one in this picture:

It's the round white blob just above the built-in gas tank. These pumps are widely
used on everything from generators to zero-turning-radius lawn mowers.
Generally, if there is 12 volts available with the engine off (electric start, etc)
then I use a small electric pump. Otherwise the impulse pump gets the job done. I
leave the squeeze bulb in the outboard motor fuel hose for priming.
The outboard motor tank is close to ideal for this application. It's portable,
inexpensive, available in a variety of sizes and eliminates the handling of fuel.
Just plug in the tank and replace it when empty and haul the empty ones to the gas
station for a fillup. An additional benefit is that it gets the weight of the fuel
off the generator, making it easier to move.
On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 15:36:29 -0500, "Phil" <> wrote:
> I have a Yamaha EF2400iS RV Generator that is used for standby 110 V.
>electric at my Home , the total capacity of the fuel tank is 1.6 Gal. , have
>been lucky so far and have only used the Gen. for about 3 hrs. at a time , I
>was wondering if someone has added fuel capacity to this unit or one similar
>to it , had thought of purchasing a new gas cap and putting a sealed hose
>fitting into the new cap with a 5 gal. gravity feed container feeding the
>original gas tank , this would give me about 6 1/2 gal. or approx. 26 hours
>of run time , any thoughts would be appreciated .
>Phil L.
From: John De Armond
Subject: Re: Extra Fuel For RV Gen.
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 22:51:21 -0500
Message-ID: <>
On Wed, 19 Dec 2007 20:05:19 -0500, "Phil" <> wrote:
>Thanks John , I never considered an outboard motor tank , might be a very
>simple solution , hope I don't need more than 6 hours but up here in
>northern Ohio we get what's known as lake effect snow and ice , gets bad ,
>looks like a neat setup that you show in your picture , looks like you are
>running a gen. head with an engine that I couldn't identify and using hose
>for vibration dampers , thanks again , Phil.
Here's the URL for that page for my Cordless Battery Charger.
That's a Honda GC series engine. Sweet but disposable little motor.
My generator page is here
You can see one of my fuel setups at the bottom of this page
Something else you might want to consider. On all my vehicles I've installed fuel
taps. This consists of little more than a Tee in the pressurized fuel line, a ball
valve and a length of fuel line. When I need fuel I simply crank the vehicle, extend
the fuel line to the gas tank and turn on the valve. Running the engine gets the
fuel pump running. I could install a bypass switch to power the fuel pump with the
engine off but this is easier.
With this little system in place, I have many fuel reservoirs with from 15 to 35
gallons of fuel, depending on the vehicle. Not only is the fuel handy, it's also
fresh since the tanks get filled fairly often.
I don't keep fuel around for things like the weed whacker or the chain saw. I just
draw it out of a vehicle when I need it. Always fresh that way.
Re: lake effect. I used to have to do business on a regular basis at the Victoreen
company in Cleveland. More than once I've had to outrun a lake effect blizzard. Know
exactly what you're talking about.