Newsgroups: comp.arch
Subject: Re: Yamhill
From: (John F. Carr)
Date: 23 Jan 2003 16:56:56 GMT
Message-ID: <3e301ed8$0$3938$>
In article <>,
David Magda <> wrote:
>Kai Harrekilde-Petersen <> writes:
>> Last year I last realised by 7GB and 13GB were getting a bit crowded,
>> so I bought a 80GB disk, and I thought(*) "Wow, I'll _never_ use all
>> that diskspace".
>> Later same year, I bought a mini-DV video camera. I shot a tape full
>> video (about 1h30m), and found that I had used 25-30GB of disk space.
>Parkinson's Law of Data:
> "Data expands to fill the space available for storage."
>It works similiarly for traffic: traffic increases to fill the space
>available on freeways. California learnt that one, yet most people
>say "build more highways" as a good solution to traffic
>congestion. <sigh>
There are highways, and computer systems, where the demand is huge
and fast-growing. My MIT account is near full, as are most urban
There are highways, and computer systems, where the demand is moderate
and slow-growing. Both my home system and I-88 in New York have excess
capacity for a long time.
The increase in bandwidth, computing power, and car traffic is
exponential. How long a particular expansion works depends on
the exact numbers.
(In the case of highways, recommended policy is to design for the
traffic needs of 20 years in the future. Typical timeline:
Design year -20: protestors spend five years lobbying against the new road
Design year -15: protestors spend five years in court
Design year -10: construction begins
Design year -5: road opens
Design year : road may be full
Design year +epsilon: protestors say "I told you it wouldn't work")
>> p0rn drove the VHS wave, or so I've heard, and I won't be surprised if
>> it drives yet another wave of technology to the masses. OTOH, really
>> fast Internet links might just eliminate that need.
>Generally speaking, which web sites do you thinking are actually
>making a profit? :>
"Pornographers pay their bills on time" -- an anonymous employee of
a web services provider
When I worked on a web content delivery network I thought porn was
the obvious market. I guess our marketing people didn't agree.
John Carr (