Acronyms - Used to Describe Bullet Shape and/or Construction
Here's a list of the more traditional acronyms used to describe bullet
shapes and/or construction:
BBWC - Bevel-Base WadCutter
BT - Boat-Tailed
CB - Cast Bullet
DEWC - Double Ended WadCutter
FMJ - Full Metal Jacket
FP - Flat Point
HBWC - Hollow-Base WadCutter
HP - Hollow Point
JHP - Jacketed Hollow Point
JSP - Jacketed Soft Point
LHP - Lead Hollow Point
LRN - Lead, Round Nose
LSWC - Lead Semi-WadCutter
MC - Metal Cased
MRWC - Mid-Range WadCutter
PB* - Lead Bullet
PSP - Pointed Soft Point or Plated Soft Point
RNL - Round Nosed Lead
SJHP - Semi-Jacketed Hollow Point
SJSP - Semi-Jacketed Soft Point
SP - Soft Point or Spire Point
SPTZ - Spitzer
SWC - Semi-WadCutter
TC - Truncated Cone
TMJ - like _Totally_ Metal Jacketed, dude
VLD - Very Low Drag
WC - WadCutter
* - Lead is abbreviated Pb from its latin name 'plumbum.' Pb might also
be used (on cartridge cases rather than bullets) as an abbreviation for
J is usually Jacketed. P is usually Point. S might be Soft, Semi, Spire,
or Spitzer.
This is not a complete list, but you get the idea. From here you can
cut and paste your favorite bullet shape, like maybe SWCHP
(Semi-WadCutter Hollow Point) or JHPBTS (Jacketed Hollow Point
Boat-Tailed Spitzer.)
Bullet and cartridge companies have also introduced some creative new
names for bullets in an effort to distinguish their products from those
of other companies. These are generally used to describe a particular
product, rather than the general bullet construction. For example,
Remington's Golden Sabre bullets would rightly be described as JHP
(Jacketed Hollow Point), however, they have chosen to label them HPJ
(High Performance Jacketed) instead. A partial listing of these fancy
new acronyms includes:
HPJ - Remington High Performance Jacketed (Golden Sabre)
ACC - Remington ACCelerator
CL or PL - Remington Core-Lokt or Power-Lokt
XTP - Hornady eXtreme Terminal Performance
L-C/T - Hornady Lead Combat/Target
SX - Hornady Super eXplosive
GDHP - Speer Gold Dot Hollow Point
STHP - Winchester Silver Tip Hollow Point
FST - Winchester Fail Safe Talon (Black Talon)
SXT - Winchester Supreme eXpansion Talon (Black Talon)
The last one here is also fondly known as:
which stands for: Evil Baby-Killing Death-Dealing
Emergency-Room-Surgeon-Finger-Shredding Crime-Causing Flesh-Ripping
Too-Dangerous-for-Average-Citizen Heat-Seeking
Innocent-Bystander-Search-and-Destroy eXploding Tearing Maiming End-of-
Life-As-We-Know-It Thermo-Nuclear Black Talon
which, due to an unfortunate corporate decision, was the name that these
particular bullets got instead of the name 'Winchester Safety Blossoms'
suggested by Chris Luchini (rec.guns Tue Nov 23 1993).
Acronyms - Used in Naming Cartridges
Cartridge designs are typically given names that are a combination of
numerical designations and letters or words. The numbers usually
describe some dimension of the bullet or case. The letters and words
usually but not always indicate the person, persons, or company which
developed the cartridge design. This list decyphers some of the common
abbreviations and acronyms involved. A list of cartridges that are
"commonly" available for revolvers is in Section III.B.1. A list of
"commonly" available cartridges for semi-automatic pistols including
synonymous cartridge names can be found in Section III.C.1. A list
of available cartridges for rifles will appear in Section III.D.1., but
was not complete at the time of this writing. Included here are one or
two examples of cartridges which use each abbreviation.
Acronym or abbreviation (Examples)
ACP - Automatic Colt Pistol (.45 ACP, .32 ACP)
AE - Action Express (.41 AE, .50 AE)
BR - Bench Rest Remington (6mm BR, 7mm BR)
B&D - Bain and Davis (.357/44 B&D)
G&A - Guns & Ammo Magazine (.40 G&A, .460 G&A)
H&H - Holland & Holland (.375 H&H)
H&R - Harrington & Richardson (.32 H&R Mag.)
IHMSA - International Handgun Metallic Silhouette Assoc.(7mm IHMSA)
JDJ - J. D. Jones (.375 JDJ)
JRS - John R. Sundra (7mm JRS)
LC - Long Colt (.38 LC)
LR - Long Rifle (.22 LR)
Mag - Magnum (.357 Mag, .44 Mag)
mm - millimeter (10mm, 7mm Mag)
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (7.62 NATO, 5.56
Para. (sometimes Pb) - Parabellum (9mm Para.)
PPC - Pindell-Palmisano Cartridge (.22 PPC, 6mm PPC)
Rem - Remington (.223 Rem, .35 Rem)
Ren - Charles Rensing & Jim Rock (.270 Ren)
RF - RimFire (.22 RF)
Spl. - Special (.38 Spl. .32 Win Spl.)
Sprg. - Springfield Armory (.30-06 Sprg.)
S&H - Sharpe & Hart (7x61 S&H)
S&W - Smith & Wesson (.40 S&W, .32 S&W)
STA - Shooting Times Alaskan
STE - Shooting Times Easterner
STW - Shooting Times Westerner (7mm STW)
TCU - Thompson/Center and (Wes) Ugalde (7mm TCU, 6mm TCU)
TSW - Team Smith & Wesson (.356 TSW)
WCF - Winchester Center Fire (.25-20 WCF, .32-20
Win - Winchester (.308 Win, .32 Win
WMR - Winchester Magnum Rimfire (.22 WMR)
- 7.62 NATO and .308 Win are equivalent.
- 5.56 NATO and .223 Remington are equivalent.
- From a latin expression "si vis pacem, para bellum," meaning,
"if you would have peace, prepare for war."
- 9mm Para., 9mm Luger, 9mm NATO, and 9x19mm all use equivalent
cases, however, 9mm NATO military ammunition is loaded to
substantially higher pressures than most commercial varieties.
- .22 RF usually refers to one or more of: .22 Short, .22 Long,
and .22 LR.
- Wildcat cartridges developed by Shooting Times Magazine/Layne
+P and +P+ Used in Cartridge Names
Each cartridge for which firearms are chambered has a standard working
pressure. Firearms chambered for a given cartridge must be able to
withstand the pressure that that cartridge produces. Some modern
firearms are significantly "over built", and can tolerate pressures
higher than those generated by the cartridge for which they are
chambered. The +P and +P+ ratings were developed to take advantage of
the greater strength built into these guns.
WARNING! - Ammunition designated as +P or +P+ should not be fired in a
gun without the approval of the manufacturer of the gun.
+P appended to a cartridge name, indicates that the loaded cartridge will
generate pressures higher than the industry standard for that cartridge
when it is fired.
+P+ appended to a cartridge name, indicates pressures even greater than
those generated by +P designated ammunition will occur when fired.
+P and +P+ loads for .38 Spl. produce pressures that fall between those
of standard .38 Spl and .357 Magnum, therefore, .38 Spl. ammunition
designated +P and +P+ can be fired in .357 Magnum revolvers.
Some Other Acronyms
Here are some other acronyms that may be encountered:
DCM - Director of Civilian Marksmanship, see info. in Section
GSSF - Glock Sport Shooting Foundation (for Glock owners who don't
want to compete with, and risk being beaten by, owners of
another brand of gun. :-) chuckle...
IBS - International Benchrest Shooters
IMR - Improved Military Rifle (Originally, DuPont's name for some of
its canister powders.)
IPSC - International Practical Shooting Confederation, see info. in
Section IX.B.
NBRSA - National Bench Rest Shooters Association
NRA - National Rifle Association, read about why you should
join the NRA.
NRMA - National Reloading Manufacturers Association
NSSF - National Shooting Sports Foundation
SAAMI - Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute
USPSA - United States Practical Shooting Association